The Dusty Bookshelf

Sometimes ya find the Darndest things trolling around
your friends Sites.
Rory has put
together something he calls The Dusty
. It\’s a collection of ancient library
oriented articles from Library Journal and other places.
Most are from the very early 1900\’s and late 1800\’s and
cover some very interesting topics.
The Telegraph in The Library, The Library as a Social
Centre, and Remarks on the Art of Using a Library, are
just a few. His introduction:

\”To know where we\’re going (or decide where
we\’re going) it helps to take a look at the past. What has
changed and what has stayed the same? What is really
new and what is really old? What works? I compiled
this collection of fourteen out-of-copyright articles about
libraries and librarianship for LISSweb, the website for
the SJSU SLIS Student Organization (LISS). I think the
articles can help in the process of reflection on
librarianship, and are entertaining and thought
provoking as well.