Tempest in a tearoom over plan to market Jane Austen beverages

Charles Davis writes The UK Telegraph reports on an attempt to use Jane Austen as a marketing tool. It’s not so much Pride and Prejudice as Pride and PG Tips. A row has broken out over plans to market a range of “Jane Austen teas and coffees” in a move
that the author’s admirers claim is an offensive
exploitation of her name.
Julian Abraham, the proprietor of the Sally Lunn’s
most famous works, will register a Jane Austen Office. The trademark will be the first time that the name of Austen, whose novels are famous for their depictions of genteel English country life, has been used to promote consumable products.
Mr Abraham says that his intention is to benefit
Austen fans by allowing them to sample what he
claims will be distinctively 19th century-flavoured drinks. Literary enthusiasts and academics have, however, expressed concern that the author’s image will be tarnished by the “needless commercialisation” of her name”