Survivalist tripe hits #12 on Amazon

The book Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse
was listed in Amazon’s Movers and Shakers on Amazon when it jumped in sales yesterday and had a sales rank in the 110 range.

Today the book is #12 at Amazon. If you read the reviews on Amazon you will see that many people are buying this work of fiction as a guide on how to survive if society collapses. Amazon indicates that people buying this book are also getting Crisis Preparedness Handbook: A Complete Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival

Here is the book description on Amazon: Part novel, part survivalist-handbook, Patriots tells of a small group of friends facing every American’s worst nightmare—the total collapse of society. … Evading mobs of desperate, out-of-control citizens who have turned Chicago into a wasteland of looting and mayhem, this novel’s protagonists make their way to a shared secure ranch in the wilds of northern Idaho. Here the survival-driven group fends off vicious attacks from the outside and eventually assists in restoring order to the country.