State Library News From Around The World

Washington Is Still Trying to eliminate the state library. Gov. Gary Locke\’s 2003-05 budget proposes to severely cut the library, which took a big hit last year but avoided closure.

Meanwhile, Another Editorial says Gov. Jeb Bush\’s relocation plan for the Florida State Library \”says less about innovation than about his naked contempt for the capital\”. A coalition of historians, librarians and genealogists from across Florida is banding together to seek a court order to stop Gov. Jeb Bush\’s plan to break up the century-old State Library in Tallahassee and donate most of its books to a private university in South Florida.

One More asks \”Is this some sort of bobblehead pastime where the kids on Jeb Bush\’s staff sit around trying to figure out the goofiest thing they can still say out loud with a straight face?\”

You really can\’t blame Jeb though, Saddam Made Him Do It. The good news is Governor could still lose in the state library fight.

Down In Australia, librarians at the Victorian State Library have cast off their conservative image, donning Ned Kelly helmets to demand a payrise.