The Sun Herald has some information on The New Florida Electronic Library. The provision of this core set of databases contributes significantly to the Equity in Education component of Governor Bush’s One Florida initiative by offering equal information access to all public schools regardless of their location or socioeconomic factors.
“The Florida Electronic Library represents the next generation of educational resources,” Hood said. “It is exciting to know that all students attending Florida public schools will have access to this wealth of information whether they live in the state’s smallest community or a large metropolitan area.”
Jeb Bush lost effort to close Florida Stat library
Jeb Bush lost his effort to get rid of the state library and now his vassal, sec. of state Hood, now feigns that he has accomplished something. Hood was one of the gang of three ( with Jeb & state librarian Jeb-appointee, Ring) who tried to give away the state library. They think we just forget….they think, “never mind” and we just forget. Well, we won’t forget
Re:Jeb Bush lost effort to close Florida Stat libr
I do find it helpful when staffing the statewide ask-a-librarian desk ( I often direct patrons to the Florida Electronic Library (, as it is available statewide and taypayer supported so we may as well get our money’s worth.
It is interesting to note that University of South Florida which has the state’s smaller ALA accredited library school does not participate in the statewide ask a librarian service – which is of course funded through the Secretary of State and the State Library.
It seems you are a bit bitter because you don’t like the current administration, but for someone who advocates more library access – a librarian at every table- it seems these services: the Florida Electronic Library, Ask-A-Librarian and the databases which improve information access for all Floridians would be praised by you and not condemed because of the political appointee who happens to oversee the department that offers the services.
Yes there was a proposal to close the state library – truthfully a proposal to relocate the collection so that it would be more useful to Floridians- which after consideration and consultation with librarians (and a state senator- Johnnie Byrd R-Plant City staunchly opposed to the closure) the notion of closing the State Library was tabled.
I’m not sure what you will never forget: that the State Library didn’t close, that the person you voted for didn’t become governor, that his brother won the presidential election? I certainly hope you will never forget that USF is the only library school in Florida not participating in the statewide ask-a-librarian effort when private colleges such as Ave Maria and St. Leo University are providing the service to Florida taxpayers at their own expense; an example all state funded libraries and library schools should follow.
Jeb Bush failed to close State Library
It took 150 years to build the collection in the State Library. Jeb Bush, the self-styled “Education Governor,” may destroy it in a few weeks.
The topic of this “reply” was to point out the fact that the Florida Secretay of State, Glenda Hood, and the State Librarian, Judy Ring seem to think that people have forgotten Jeb Bush’s attempt to clsoe the state library of Florida.
You may be a loyal Republican but you do your master’s program no service by so obviously missing the point and trying to change the subject. Didn’t they teach you reading comprehension? Don’t be a coward.Your personal attacks are full of misinformation. They demonstrate that you are a very poor librarian. I don’t know you, but whatever I post seems to drudge up this bottom-feeding tripe from you. What IS your problem? Have some courage. Since you seem to track my work,call me and please get the facts right. My number is easily found in the South Florida directory. Yes, your library school is older than the one at which I now work. And if you want more ammunition for your sad little ravings the school I attended–University of Chicago–has been closed.
–Kathleen de la Pena McCook
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida