The Associated Press Is reporting Following a board’s decision last week to remove a link to the Planned Parenthood Teenwire Web site from the South Dakota State Library’s site, Gov. Mike Rounds decided Monday to temporarily yank Internet access to the library’s Web site for teenagers.
“As a parent, I would be very disturbed to have my children connecting to any of these Web sites that are found through the state Web site at this time,” Rounds said Monday afternoon as links connected to the library’s teen center page disappeared.
Teen Sex and Information
I applaude the governor of South Dakota on his courageous stand to stop teenagers from accessing information on sex, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and other human development matters.
Obviously, if kids did not have access to authoritative information from outsiders, they wouldn’t have sex at all. I think the parents of SD should be proud of the governor for taking this responsibility away from them.
Therefore, the governor’s home telephone number should be placed on the webpage instead of the dropped links, and the teenagers should be directed to call him directly for any questions they may have on sex, marriage, pregnancy, abortion, AIDS, condom use, spermicides, shields, menstruation or any other matters regarding sex and human development. I’m sure he has all the answers, and that the parents of South Dakota can trust him to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer their children’s questions.
Re:Teen Sex and Information
Pretty funny post, but is the Governor “taking this responsibility away from” parents?
I bet he would argue that he is returning to parents the right and responsibility of deciding when and what information about sex should be available to their children.
You know, I wonder if the people responsible for all this realize that Planned Parenthood isn’t only about abortions. I’ve got a good friend who works for Planned Parenthood. They distribute information on safe sex, including abstinence. They do free exams. They try and take care of any needs a person, not just a teen, may have when it comes to sex and sexual anatomy. Sure they do abortions, but they also do gynecological exams as well.
Goddess knows we need to take that kind of information down. A teenage girl with little money might actually want to go to PP for a free or reduced price gyno check-up. We wouldn’t want that would we? No better for her to not have one because she can’t afford an OB/GYN who doesn’t do abortions. That way she risks polycystic ovarian syndrome, cervical cancer, fibroids, uterine disease, and that’s if she’s not at all sexually active.
And oh no! They give out free condoms! We wouldn’t want teens to know that! Free condoms will make them want to have sex. I get so damned tired of that argument. Hormones make teenagers want to have sex, not condoms. If you check stats recently, with all the teen pregnancy in the United States, you’ll find that teens have sex very well without condoms. So how can their easy and free availability make them want sex more?
American sexuality is so screwed up. I think it was Marlene Dietrich who said that, for Americans sex is an obsession, for the rest of the world it’s a fact. If we put half of the energy we expend into sexual education, and I mean real sex-ed, not this “let’s scare them into not having sex” bullshit, then we’d have far less troubles. Sweden, for instance, has a very comprehensive sexual education program and it works. Their belief that open access to sexual information for teens has given them one of the world’s lowest teen pregnancy rates for a developed country. More info can be found in their permanent mission to the UN, found here.
The less you tell teens about sex, the more they’ll just want to find out on their own. Scaring them by showing them graphic depictions of STDs doesn’t work. Scaring them with pregnancy doesn’t work. The only thing that does seem to work is simply answering their questions and telling them the truth.
Re:Teen Sex and Information
Really? How is he doing that? Don’t parents already have that ability?
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the USA. Whatever else they do pales in comparison.
Was Ted Bundy an OK Guy because he volunteered at a soup kitchen.
I can only assume that this will be moderated as flamebait, but that is how I feel. If someone is considering an abortion feel free to contact me. If you can’t raise the child, and can’t find appropriate parents for the child, I will support and raise the child.
hypocrisy of the priesthood
This is a disturbing story. When will authoritarians figure out that you can’t control your children or those of your neighbors by hiding real world information from them. The kids are people and they have a right to public information. It is a Very important part of making informed decisions. Ignorance isn’t bliss, it is disease and pregnant teens. It’s all the misery that comes out of those things.
I also gotta wonder why the top elected official of South Dakota takes orders from a ranking member of what is possibly the worlds largest pedophile organization, name the Catholic priesthood.
More of my take on this at;