School of the Future: Libraries Not Needed

Infomancy writes “Though LISNews covered the opening of the Microsoft/Philadelphia School of the Future, a critical part of the story was missed. The School of the Future, you see, lacks a library. In fact, Microsoft’s vision statement for the School of the Future takes quite a few cheap shots at libraries.

The Internet has expanded access to information, removing both teacher and student dependencies on a limited amount of information sources. Education is no longer bound by the limits of the teacher, textbook, or the books in the school library…Moreover, the Internet offers students in low-income and remote locations far more information than any single traditional library.[Microsoft]

Apparently Microsoft doesn’t realize that libraries can use the Internet as well or that the “single traditional library” in a low-income or remote location may be the only possible way for residents to connect to the Internet (or connect with broadband speeds).

Coming after the recent use of libraries as a metaphor to describe the “disaster” of education by Dr. Roger Schank, this again showcases the need for librarians to move into mainstream media and redefine the perception of libraries.”