RFID – Controversy – Privacy -V- Groundswell of Support

Search Engine Optimization duder writes “The mainstreaming of RFID may be the next TECH revolution – but it is not without Controversies and Fears…
eWeek.com looks at supply chain-based RFID, and Tracking the Data With RFID

The Businesswire says Full-scale RFID rollouts will likely be an extension of the early-stage compliance level solutions put in place for the 2005 Wal-Mart, Metro AG, and Department of Defense (DoD) deadlines.

The Nation says people are worried that instead of being used to track boots, bluejeans and books, these so-called RFID systems will be used to track us. “

Check out a PDF From IFLA on RFID in libraries, RFID Implementation in Libraries:
Presentations to ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, Here.