Reference Librarians, They’re Out There

Freed from their desks, reference librarians at the Orland Park IL Public Library have taken to the aisles to help patrons find the answers they need.

“We’re out there looking for them,” said Diane Srebro, assistant head of adult services. She asks a patron if he needs help as she makes the rounds with a HP Tablet as part of the new ‘Ask Me’ campaign.

The program began in the spring to enhance customer service for library patrons.

Armed with laptop computers and sporting “Ask Me” buttons, the librarians are fielding about 200 questions a month from the floor, Srebro said. All told, the reference desk averages about 3,000 reference questions a month.

“Technology has freed us from the reference desk,” Srebro said. “It’s part of our strategic plan for the adult services area.” Southtown Star.