Profile of a Guy Librarian at San Francisco State

Besides being a hunky looking guy with a red goatee, Senior Assistant Librarian David Hellman of San Francisco State University points out that the stereotype doesn’t always fit. But he does love books, so much so that it’s going to be hard to decide which to keep and which to toss to make room for the new baby.

“Librarians are not quiet, staid types who read all day, only putting their books down to remind customers to keep their voices low. A librarian’s job is actually much more complex and busy” he says, noting the many hours spent in teaching roles. He also writes book reviews for Booklist, LJ and the San Francisco Chronicle and coordinates a reading group for his library.

Part of his work these days is also planning for the upcoming renovation and expansion of the Library. During construction, collections will be housed in a Library Retrieval System that uses a robotic crane to retrieve requested materials. Once the project is complete, hundreds of thousands of volumes will be returned to open shelves. What, no robot for that part?