Hawaii…or Illinois? (some might suggest elsewhere…)
The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports that Hawaii has an early lead in pitching the islands as the future home of President Barack Obama’s library, museum and think tank. However yet another Illinois-Hawaii smack-down is brewing over where it will actually end up.
The Hawaii Legislature has sent the White House a joint resolution that it passed last session urging Obama to pick Hawaii as the site for his library. Officials at the University of Hawaii are creating working groups in the next few weeks that will study a wide variety of issues, including finding a suitable site for the complex, designing it, deciding how to best manage the archives, designing museum exhibits and learning how best to create a related academic program and research center.
And on Sunday a Hawaii delegation led by Reed Dasenbrock, UH vice chancellor for academic affairs, will fly to Washington, D.C., to meet with the head of the presidential library division of the National Archives and to Little Rock, Ark., to meet with the director of the Clinton Presidential Center and the Clinton Foundation.
Better location
How about Kenya?