Politician in trouble over blog content

cathyp writes “Today’s Globe and Mail has an article about an MP in Ontario who was suspended from the Conservative caucus due to confidentiality concerns and attacks on other politicians in blog. He’s posted a response online.

Mr. Turner is scheduled to formally respond to his suspension at a press conference later Wednesday in Ottawa, but he posted a response on his blog ahead of the news conference.

“I work for the voters — the people, the taxpayers. After that I heed my party and the political establishment. All are important, of course, but the people come first,” Mr. Turner wrote.

He adds that most of the people he talks to “want political leaders and MPs who look at every opinion, chew over ever idea, kick every notion, and then decide what’s best.”

The maverick MP has one of the most comprehensive websites of any MP. It includes daily blogs and podcasts, leading to Mr. Turner’s reputation as being the only true “digital populist” in the Tory ranks.

His main page is currently working, but the link within to his blog isn’t at the moment, most likely because of increased traffic to the site. His full response can be read if you scroll down the main page.”