Pervert wanted to write blog for librarary

mdoneil writes “Some disgusting self admitted pedophile uses Civil Right to have sex with children as an excuse in Court.

I can’t think of words that express my disgust at this pervert. He molested disabled young boys after giving them drugs. He created some fake church to advance the cause of pedophelia. He used this church to push his NAMBLA agenda.

The item about the library blog, “Cuyahoga County Bill Mason said Distasio was arrested after he wanted to write a blog for the Lakewood Library. Officials noticed something was wrong and notified Rocky River police.” I have no idea what Cuyahoga County Bill Mason (or who) is. Nor is it clear how this is intertwined with his deviate acts.

The complete article is here. While I oppose the death penalty, I certainly rethink my position when I hear of someone robbing a child of their innocence for their deviant gratification.”