The Colleagues Who’ve Left

The Colleagues Who’ve Left

Last year I started a chart tracking colleagues who had left my institution. When I left for the winter break finally, the number stood at 37 and I’m sure I missed a few. These are spread across the university, though nearly half are from the Library. It includes people I worked with regularly enough that their leaving had a significant impact on me, with a sprinkling of high level administrators whose transitions always end up with creating waves of change likely to reach me at some point. I started tracking because I knew that the volume was going to be high and that I would need to be able to see at year’s end — at scale — how significant the disruptions had been.

Getting Lost in the World’s Largest Stack of Menus

The Buttolph collection of menus at the New York Public Library continues to inspire a new generation of researchers, chefs, and restaurant fans.

The library provided Buttolph no budget and no salary. But she kept collecting, even placing advertisements in restaurant trade and hotel magazines to solicit menus from readers, stressing that their condition must be immaculate. Buttolph could only lure donors with the satisfaction of contributing to a historic archive, but she continued to receive menus from admirers across the country and overseas, including one from a London banquet celebrating King Edward VII’s coronation in 1902.

It Really Does Take a Village – Learn About It Takes a Village and How Samvera and Fedora Are Using It In Their Sustainability Planning

Long-term sustainability planning is something that poses a unique challenge for many open source programs. These programs are often funded and supported in ways that do not give appropriate consideration to the long-term sustainability of the applications and their communities. The It Takes a Village (ITAV) framework was created to give OSS communities, like Samvera and Fedora, the tools and information needed to begin the planning process for their futures. Through a series of guided activities, ITAV presents program participants with the opportunity to look both inward and outward to evaluate what is working and what is not and how to take actionable steps forward.
This panel will outline the ITAV framework and explain the process for using the tools from within the toolkit. Megan Forbes will provide background and process. Panelists include Heather Greer Klein, Community Manager at Samvera and Arran Griffith, Program Manager at Fedora. Heather and Arran will share their experiences participating in ITAV and showcase some of the activities they have used. They will highlight and share the lessons learned while undergoing the process for each of their own program%u2019s sustainability planning.

It Really Does Take a Village – Learn About It Takes a Village and How Samvera and Fedora Are Using It In Their Sustainability Planning

Thousands of scientists publish a paper every five days

Thousands of scientists publish a paper every five daysTo highlight uncertain norms in authorship, John P. A. Ioannidis, Richard Klavans and Kevin W. Boyack identified the most prolific scientists of recent years.

We e-mailed all 265 authors asking for their insights about how they reached this extremely productive class. The 81 replies are provided in the Supplementary Information. Common themes were: hard work; love of research; mentorship of very many young researchers; leadership of a research team, or even of many teams; extensive collaboration; working on multiple research areas or in core services; availability of suitable extensive resources and data; culmination of a large project; personal values such as generosity and sharing; experiences growing up; and sleeping only a few hours per day


Hidden books in NSW town Braidwood taking kids on literary treasure hunts to encourage reading – ABC News

Kids find a book sealed in a plastic sleeve, take it home to read, write their name in it, and then re-hide it or pass it on to a friend.

The books are hidden in shop windows, parks and around the streets.

The concept is simple and follows the global painted rocks craze, where kids hunt for painted rocks around their local neighbourhood.

Mum of 10, Samantha Dixon, started the trend after seeing it on a community Facebook page overseas.

We had a bookshelf full of books the children had already read,” she said.

The Strangest Computer Manual Ever Written

In the early 1980s, when the Apple II came out, a company called Franklin made a knock-off version of the same computer. It was a pretty blatant copy, which Apple wasn%u2019t happy about, but the law wasn%u2019t clear yet on whether operating systems could be protected by copyright. Apple eventually sued Franklin, and the court ruled that operating systems could in fact be protected. That put an end to Franklin computers.

It’s dark and funny and unlike anything else

How San Franciscans use their libraries is shifting dramatically

How San Franciscans use their libraries is shifting dramatically

In lieu of borrowing physical books and other items, residents could check out digital materials, including eBooks, streaming content and digital newspapers and magazines. As a result, digital circulation during these months rose by at least 40%. December 2020 recorded the library’s highest monthly digital circulation of over 555,000 — a 50% increase from the previous December.