Oprah Ends 25 Year Run With a Focus on School Libraries

From School Library Journal.

Many viewers took note that about halfway through the star-studded May 25 finale of The Oprah Winfrey Show at Chicago’s United Center, children’s libraries got the spotlight. Standing in the newly renovated library at New Orleans’ KIPP Believe College Prep, which lost all of its books during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Grammy-winning artist John Legend announced that the school library was the first of 25 that retail giant Target, in conjunction with the Heart of America Foundation, will renovate this year to honor 25 years of Oprah’s show.

The effort is part of the four-year-old Target School Library Makeover program, which in 2011 will bring new furniture, carpet, shelves, eco-friendly design elements, technology upgrades, and 2,000 books to 42 school libraries nationwide. The renovations are expected to be completed by November. More from SLJ.