This one’s sure to ruffle somebody’s feathers…
John Kelso of the Austin-American Statesman suggests that ”
Since nobody wants it, put Bush’s library at Virtual U. The obvious solution to the problem of finding a site for the George W. Bush presidential library? Since the thing causes a stink whenever someone suggests putting it at a real university, why not put it at an online university such as the University of Phoenix?
If the library were confined to the Internet, it would eliminate Bush just showing up on campus and embarrassing the administration.”
Maybe this is the wave of the future?
We understand
Birdie we understand the you don’t support a Bush Presidential Library. However it really does not matter because it will be built as each former president since 1939 has had one.
Posting every nonsense article that appears opposed to the Bush library just looks petty.
Re:We understand
“Since nobody wants it, put Bush’s library at Virtual U.”
Several universities do want this library. Baylor and the University of Dallas each have aggressive bids for the library. Other schools if given a chance would jump at this as well. (Can you see Liberty University or Oral Roberts University turning this down?)
Just because a vocal minority of faculty at SMU do not want this library, do not assume that no university wants it.
Stanford turned down the Hoover Presidential Library in the 50s. He was politically incorrect for some at the time. It was built in Iowa instead. I am sure many at Stanford regret that rash act now…
When will SMU get another shot at a Presidential Library? The politics are temporary and die in a generation or so. But the scholarly and economic benefits last much longer.
I enjoyed the article and thought libs would too
Kelso’s fanciful idea for a virtual library is pretty funny. Of course it’s not going to happen. If a columnist from the estimable Austin-American Statesman can suggest it, then I can report it at LISNews. If mdoneil interpreted the posting as editorial on my part, then he’s reading way too much into it. No editorial involved. Just a sense of humor. Do we have a sense of humor?