One Citzen’s Response to Mandatory Filtering

Anonymous Patron writes “Here’s a letter to the editor from a local citizen assailing the proposed Illinois mandatory filtering bill:

“If Joyce or Smith [the sponsor and a promoter of the filtering bill] wishes to censor things coming into his own home, that is their right. I respect that. But neither man was appointed or elected to be the official censor for this area.

The library is not your home. It is a public forum. The library exists as a repository for information in many forms and media. It is a public resource and is open to all. Censorship is antithetical to the basic function and purpose of a library.

I also wish that any would-be censor would have the courage to simply state that he or she does not believe in freedom of speech.

Just say that you do not trust your fellow citizens to decide for themselves what they can safely read, or see or hear. Just tell us that you have appointed yourself to be the official judge of what free Americans can do.”

Interesting commentary, given all the talk by some commenters that “the people” want filtering in the library.”