Many people can’t afford to spend money on luxury items these days. They’re forced to spend their cash on food and rent instead of books, DVDs, and magazines.
And that’s why many Wisconsin residents (dare I say cheeseheads?) are turning to their local library for entertainment.
If you never visit your local library, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon and catch up with your neighbors. That’s because 6 out of every 10 Wisconsin residents are now registered library users. According to the Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin has one of the best-organized library systems in the country. And most people are taking advantage of it.
Many are forgoing expensive bookstores, and instead are hitting up libraries for free access to their favorite stories.
Marathon City’s old library was so popular, they had to move to a brand new building to keep up with customer demand.
“The old building we had was very small in footage,” says branch supervisor Lavone Runge. “It was not customer friendly. We couldn’t increase our materials because we just didn’t have the shelving space.”
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