Not Just Pizza or Chinese…It’s “Books to Go”

For senior citizen Peg Niland, the Norwell (MA) Public Library and volunteer Kathy Narkiewicz provide an invaluable service by delivering books, videos and DVDs to homebound seniors like her. Now 88 years old, Peg is retired from the Boston Public Library and wants to be able to keep up with her reading, but cannot drive.

Thelma Osbourne too, can no longer get to the library. The Council on Aging Van that used to take her there has suffered cut-backs in funding, and has eliminated the library stop from the route.

Narkiewicz, a retired geriatric social worker who majored in English literature as a college student, loves having the opportunity to share good books with others. “I like to find out what other people like to read,” she added, “and what their interests are.” She proposed the program to library director Becky Freer, who jumped on board with the idea.

Story at Town Online .