Nigerian Law School Libraries Seek Donations

Forwarded by Allen Overland:

Steve Perry, Information Resource Officer for the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria (U.S. State Department) is actively soliciting book donations for the four branches of the Nigerian Law School in Abuja, Kano, Jos and Lagos. We specifically would like donations of reference books, law books, classic books of cases, torts, study manuals and anything else you might find appropriate in building up a legal collection.

Ideally, it would be great if we could obtain four copies of each book for the four branches of the Law School. This way, each Law School would ideally
receive the same books. If you are cleaning out your Law Offices, weeding Law Books from University Libraries or other collections, might I suggest that this would be a perfect way to make a real difference. Nigerian Law
Schools are increasingly interested in American Law and actually turn to American Law (and not British Law) for precedents in a variety of new law cases that are currently being heard around the country. One additional consideration: the Nigerian IT infrastructure is so fragile and so undeveloped that it will be years before the legal profession here will be able to rely on the Internet for any type of legal research. What the Law Schools here need are books and plenty of them.

The Public Diplomacy Offices of the US State Department in Lagos and Abuja will find a grant for shipping these books from the nearest port in the U.S. (probably Baltimore) to Lagos, Nigeria where they will be cleared from
customs here by an accredited representative of one of these Law Schools.

What we need now (besides the actual donations of books, of course) is for one person to temporarily be responsible for collecting these books from potential donors, storing them temporarily, and making sure they are picked
up in a responsible manner by the shipping company before they are finally shipped to Lagos. We thank you so much for whatever efforts you can spare in this important endeavor.

If interested please contact:

Stephen Perry, IRO, Lagos
8300 Lagos Pl.
PAS Lagos
Washington, DC 20521-8300
[email protected]

Tel: 234-1-263-4868

Please visit our Website at:

Forwarded by Allen Overland:

Steve Perry, Information Resource Officer for the U.S. Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria (U.S. State Department) is actively soliciting book donations for the four branches of the Nigerian Law School in Abuja, Kano, Jos and Lagos. We specifically would like donations of reference books, law books, classic books of cases, torts, study manuals and anything else you might find appropriate in building up a legal collection.

Ideally, it would be great if we could obtain four copies of each book for the four branches of the Law School. This way, each Law School would ideally
receive the same books. If you are cleaning out your Law Offices, weeding Law Books from University Libraries or other collections, might I suggest that this would be a perfect way to make a real difference. Nigerian Law
Schools are increasingly interested in American Law and actually turn to American Law (and not British Law) for precedents in a variety of new law cases that are currently being heard around the country. One additional consideration: the Nigerian IT infrastructure is so fragile and so undeveloped that it will be years before the legal profession here will be able to rely on the Internet for any type of legal research. What the Law Schools here need are books and plenty of them.

The Public Diplomacy Offices of the US State Department in Lagos and Abuja will find a grant for shipping these books from the nearest port in the U.S. (probably Baltimore) to Lagos, Nigeria where they will be cleared from
customs here by an accredited representative of one of these Law Schools.

What we need now (besides the actual donations of books, of course) is for one person to temporarily be responsible for collecting these books from potential donors, storing them temporarily, and making sure they are picked
up in a responsible manner by the shipping company before they are finally shipped to Lagos. We thank you so much for whatever efforts you can spare in this important endeavor.

If interested please contact:

Stephen Perry, IRO, Lagos
8300 Lagos Pl.
PAS Lagos
Washington, DC 20521-8300
[email protected]

Tel: 234-1-263-4868

Please visit our Website at: