New USAPA amendments regarding libraries

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s proposed amendments to the PATRIOT Act are now available as S. 1266.

Aside from other changes that can be debated later, this version of the bill introduces a number of helpful statistical reports regarding Sec. 215 activity in libraries and bookstores, including:

Sec. 811 (b)

Attorney General shall submit to the committees of Congress referred to in subsection (a) and to the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report setting forth, with respect to the preceding six-month period–
(1) the total number of administrative sub-poenas issued under this title;
(2) the total number of certifications under section 807(a);
(3) the total number of petitions filed under section 808;
(4) the total number of petitions modified or set aside pursuant to section 808(a); and
(5) the total number of administrative subpoenas issued under this title requiring the production of any records or other materials from or with respect to each of the following:
(A) From a library, as defined in section 213(2) of the Library Services and Technology Act (20 U.S.C. 9122(2)).

(More below the fold)

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s proposed amendments to the PATRIOT Act are now available as S. 1266.

Aside from other changes that can be debated later, this version of the bill introduces a number of helpful statistical reports regarding Sec. 215 activity in libraries and bookstores, including:

Sec. 811 (b)

Attorney General shall submit to the committees of Congress referred to in subsection (a) and to the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report setting forth, with respect to the preceding six-month period–
(1) the total number of administrative sub-poenas issued under this title;
(2) the total number of certifications under section 807(a);
(3) the total number of petitions filed under section 808;
(4) the total number of petitions modified or set aside pursuant to section 808(a); and
(5) the total number of administrative subpoenas issued under this title requiring the production of any records or other materials from or with respect to each of the following:
(A) From a library, as defined in section 213(2) of the Library Services and Technology Act (20 U.S.C. 9122(2)).

(More below the fold)

(B) From a person or entity primarily engaged in the sale, rental, or delivery of books,
journals, magazines, or other similar forms of
communication whether in print or digitally.

As it stands now, the reports listed above will not be made public. Aside from being distributed to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees, these reports will also be distributed to “the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives”

That’s too bad, because it prevents the vast majority of Congressmembers from having accurate information to see if these provisions are being abused. Needless to say, under the proposed legislation the public will continue to be kept in the dark about how the gov’t is exploiting their reading habits.