Need Input from LIS Folks for Conservation Biology Research

birdman writes “Developing a university curriculum regarding information sciences/research in the field of Conservation Biology. Would like input from others in the field of library science, special library personnel, related fields concerning

1/ need for information specialists in the field of conservation biology
2/ important aspects of information technology in this field that you have used or are aware of.
3/ positions you are aware of that have been filled by those with library science background that were acquired outside of libraries. Does not need to be within the field of Conservation or Biology. Curriculum rational is the advantage that information specialists have in the world today.
4/ the existance of surveys sent to businesses, organizations, industry, regarding the need for employees with information science background.
5/ any suggestions in developing such a curriculum. This is a curriculum that is being designed to teach students in a Conservation Biology graduate/certificate program about conducting research in the field, how to write and research a scientific paper and conversely, to interest information specialists in the field of conservation.”