NBC taps Brodart for Library wish come true

John Shableski(of Brodart) writes “Hey, just wanted to let you know about this young girl in Mineral City Ohio whose only wish was to have a children’s library built in her town.
NBC contacted Brodart to provide the “guts” of the project: shelving, furniture, circ desks, supplies and some books.

Twelve-year-old year old Girl Scout Nicole Donant had already gathered some 6000 books on her own. Some of these books were cleaned and repaird by Nicole. In any case, her wish came true.

How many 12 year olds can do such a wonderful thing? This is such a wonderfully selfless act that goes beyond description.

For our part, we now have over 900 employees who have a new sense of pride in what we do. We were able to turn this request around in only ten days. Normally, it would have been something along the lines of 8 months to two years to deliver a complete library. It’s amazing what one little girl can do to galvanize her own community and another that is a few hundred miles away.

Be sure to tune in to Three Wishes this Friday, November 11th at 9pm EST on NBC and you too will see how great this kid really is.

I have a lot of stuff to share with you and I can be reached at 800-474-9802 ext 6270. Thanks–john”