National Chemistry Week Helps Students Connect With Chemistry!

Stephanie Holbrook writes “My name is Stephanie Holbrook and I am writing on behalf of the American Chemical Society to wish you a happy National Chemistry Week! This year National Chemistry Week falls on October 16-22 and the American Chemical Society (ACS) is celebrating by offering teachers fun, chemistry-related facts and activities that will be of great interest to their students.

Recent studies have shown a steady decline in American science scores compared to their peers around the world. To help combat this epidemic, the American Chemical Society is dedicating the 18th year of National Chemistry Week to showing off the fun—and importance—of science to communities nationwide. Thus, the theme of National Chemistry Week 2005 is “The Joy of Toys.”

As you may know, chemistry may not always be the easiest subject to teach but with the help of materials provided by National Chemistry Week, you will easily be able to connect chemistry and science to the everyday lives of children. We invite you to visit the Coordinators and Educators section of to get suggestions for activities to help celebrate “The Joy of Toys!” The site allows you to download activities, articles and resources as well as forms and templates that help to get children excited about chemistry!”