“Morning Edition” goes to the library

I had a couple of “library moments” while listening to NPR’s “Morning Edition” today. The first was during the “Listener Letters” segment. One listener (a librarian!) had called in to dispute a claim from last week regarding a woman’s name on the Declaration of Independence. Bob Edwards actually went to the Library of Congress to view a copy of the document in question.

In the second item, writer Charles Fishman spoke about an article he just published in Fast Company about self-service kiosks in McDonalds restaurants. He addressed the fear that the increasing use of these kiosks may threaten jobs (something that’s being discussed in our library as we move toward a more agressive self-check model). His study determined that customers at the kiosks ordered more food, customers were less likely to leave because of long lines, and most of the stores ended up adding staff to meet demand.

Remember, if your library subscribes to Electric Library, you can read transcripts of many NPR programs within about three days of airing.