More On Textbook Advertising: What’s Old Is New Again

A follow up on This One from a couple days ago on McGraw-Hill’s bright idea to put ads in textbooks.
This is not McGraw-Hill’s first attempt at advertising in textbooks. This Site Says In September 1999, the state of California passed AB 116, banning commercial images in public school textbooks. The law was inspired by a sixth grade math textbook distributed nationally by McGraw-Hill. A Few Details and And Editorial. At some point New York and Louisiana were considering laws.

Somewhat related, Philip Morris Textbook Covers: the textbook covers promote to children the Philip Morris brand name, which is synonymous with tobacco and smoking.

Textbook ads, circa 1936 is a BoingBoing post that points the way to the 1936 edition of the Domestic Science Handbook, and it’s riddled with advertising.