More on Fingerprint Scanners…And Pulling A Fast One

Further to the discussion and poll about using fingerprint scanners @ your public library (Naperville IL), Jerry Kuntz, Electronic Resources Consultant
at the Ramapo Catskill Library System told Pub-Lib readers about the following interesting article from PC World demonstrating that Gummi Bears can fool a fingerprint scanner…in a pinch.

The article’s author Andrew Brandt says, “After I enrolled my thumb, the optical reader accepted the gummi bear imitation as my Windows log-in. It didn’t get every gummi fingerprint; and the ones it did read, it didn’t see clearly every time. But the gummi print worked, over and over again. I also managed to enroll a lime-green gummi as a user, and then used my thumb to log on. Gummi and thumb were interchangeable for log-on purposes, though my thumb wasn’t nearly as delicious”.