Michelle Obama’s ‘socialist books’ disappear on closer study

“Photo Evidence: Michelle Obama Keeps Socialist Books In The White House Library,” blared the headline on conservative radio host Rob Port’s blog following a tour of the presidential residence last week, after he spotted books including The American Socialist Movement 1897-1912 and The Social Basis of American Communism on the library’s shelves.

Port ignited a storm, quickly drawing almost 300 comments to his post on the popular political blog SayAnythingBlog.com, and a rash of links across the internet. “I wonder if the liberals who mock conservatives who refer to Obama as a socialist still find it funny?” wrote All American Blogger. “By itself, this wouldn’t be that big of a deal. But [in] the context of Obama’s economic policies? Well, I’ll let you make your own call,” wrote Port, a self-styled bibliophile.

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