Lure of a library cafe

JET writes One From The Dallas News: Lure of a library cafe won’t override fears about homeless.
Whether it’s fair or not, justifiable fear or peanut-minded paranoia, a lot of people avoid Dallas’ big, downtown central library because it’s a day haven for the homeless. Panhandlers and Jesus-shouters and transients who haven’t had a bath in awhile make people nervous, and a $3.50 cup of coffee isn’t going to change their minds.

The City Council no doubt has its heart in the right place with its longing to attract the sort of people who flock to their neighborhood Starbucks. This week, it authorized the library staff to start taking bids for an on-site bistro-style coffee cafe where graduate students could sip espresso while leafing through back issues of Utne Reader , and self-actualizing housewives on a mother’s day out could order a Caesar salad and update their dream journals.