Lubbock, TX Libraries Considering Porn Filters

kctipton writes “Here in of the nation’s most conservative counties, the issue has finally come up that the Lubbock city council wants internet porn totally filtered, with the Mayor Pro Tem sharing an anecdotal story (and I doubt it’s true) that “his daughter was recently using a public library computer and noticed the gentleman next to her was looking at a sexually explicit Web site.” (If you view the article above you’ll see a picture that shows the way that many (but not all) of the terminals at the library’s four branches are secluded below eye level.)

“Instead of filters, Lubbock libraries require parental approval if children under the age of 17 want to use the Internet.”

So, with this sort of arrangement, why demand filters? Politics is my guess, knowing what I know about this town.

The article goes on to explain why the Lubbock libraries don’t filter, why many libraries don’t filter, and how filtering has been shown to not be as effective as some people want it to be.”