Louisville (KY) Free Public Library Hit by Flash Flood; Damage at Least One Million Dollars

Photos of the disaster from Libraryman and Greg Schwartz, who’s in the midst of it. Hang in there Greg & staff!

UPDATE Officials say the floodwaters caused at least $1 million in damage to the library main branch. A recovery fund has been established. Donations can be sent to:

The Library Foundation
301 York Street
Louisville, KY 40203

Louisville Free Public Library Director Craig Buthod said the Main Library had about three feet of water in the basement, and that the building will be closed until further notice. “We will assess the damage today and tomorrow. I don’t know when we’ll reopen,” he said.

The Shawnee and Iroquois branches of the library were also closed because of flooding, Buthod said.

Buthod said water had heavily damaged extensive facilities located on the Main Library’s lower level, much of which is used for operations.

“Thousands of books have been damaged,” including many new ones that had just arrived and were awaiting distribution throughout the system, Buthod said. Story from the Louisville Courier Journal.