LiveJournal Deletes Journals Allegedly Promoting Pedophilia

LiveJournal, which hosts about 13 million web journals, has deleted about 500 journals that suggest an interest in sexual predation or pedophilia, among other illegal activities. Prompted by anti-pedophilia groups, notably Warriors for Innocence, the deletion has resulted in accusations of censorship from LiveJournal users, who observe that some of the deleted journals were fandom communities, fan fiction repositories, or role playing games that discuss sexual abuse and pedophilia in a fictional context without supporting it in real life.

LiveJournal, which hosts about 13 million web journals, has deleted about 500 journals that suggest an interest in sexual predation or pedophilia, among other illegal activities. Prompted by anti-pedophilia groups, notably Warriors for Innocence, the deletion has resulted in accusations of censorship from LiveJournal users, who observe that some of the deleted journals were fandom communities, fan fiction repositories, or role playing games that discuss sexual abuse and pedophilia in a fictional context without supporting it in real life.The maintainer of one such community, an archive of Harry Potter fan fiction, femmequixotic, reports that LiveJournal abuse staff claimed a legal obligation to close communities that had been reported to them and that listed illegal activities as interests. Responding to the outcry from LiveJournal users, Warriors for Innocence asserts that LiveJournal also closed down some communities not reported by their organization. For more information, see Declan McCullagh’s report for CNET