I started a new site, LISWire – The Librarian’s News Wire (http://liswire.com), and I’m doing my best to spread the word. You can probably guess what the site is all about from the name. There’s also 2 mailing lists, and a bunch of RSS feeds. Robin K. Blum (you might know her as Birdie) and I are running the show and are looking for press releases and other news items of interest to librarians to get things going. You can sign up for an account and submit things you’d like to announce to the library world. I’ll be cross posting most announcements to LISNews for a little while until we see how much traffic we get at LISWire.
It’s just out of beta, so there might still be some bugs floating around. Let me know if you spot something that needs fixing! I’d love any and all feedback you can provide.
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