Lillian, the Virtual Librarian

Kelly writes “Meet Lillian, the Virtual Librarian, online. According to her creator:

She is designed to answer user queries about books, and particularly library holdings. As well as being able to tell a user if a library holds a particular book she can also: Deep link them to the library’s own holdings page for the book, which may have availability and reservation data; direct them to another library that holds the book if the local library doesn’t; direct them to the right page on Amazon if the book is not held; advise them of books by a particular author held; advise them of books on a particular subject held; tell them what the book is about; tell them what other people thought of the book; tell them what books people like who also liked this book.

I was unable to get her to “understand” the name of various major towns in England, or even the suggested town of Bury; perhaps others will have better luck. My exchange fared little better — it reminded me of that old Interview with the Search Engine. We’re a long way from Vox.