“Library World Records” has just been published in the U.S.

Godfrey Oswald writes “The good news everyone has been waiting for…

The long wait is finally over!

This time its official!

“Library World Records” was published last week in the U.S.

For information on how to order and obtain a copy in the U.K. see
http://www.geocities.com/infolibrary/Aboutrecords. htm

As the new book was published in the U.S., readers outside the U.S. may have to wait until April 2004 to obtain a copy.

I am particularly interested in comments from readers of the book, as I am
currently working on the second edition.

I will respond individually to each e-mailed comment, and answer any
question posed.

Please send your comments to :
[email protected]


Godfrey Oswald,
“Library World Records”