Library Associates subscription problems

slashgirl writes “This is Wendy’s email from one rec’d on the LIBSUP-L mailing list.
Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal” is an international forum for and about library support staff issues. “Associates”
is published three times per year in March, July, and November. “Associates” maintains a website as well as issuing full text contents via email to subscribers. The last issue, November 2004, had 3,600 subscribers. Today, we have zero subscribers. My campus suffered a disaster when switching to a new listserv machine.

Update: 02/22 14:21 EST by B:Apparently, the same thing happened to WEb4LIB as well, not sure if it’s a coincidence, or not.

slashgirl writes “This is Wendy’s email from one rec’d on the LIBSUP-L mailing list.
Associates: The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal” is an international forum for and about library support staff issues. “Associates”
is published three times per year in March, July, and November. “Associates” maintains a website as well as issuing full text contents via email to subscribers. The last issue, November 2004, had 3,600 subscribers. Today, we have zero subscribers. My campus suffered a disaster when switching to a new listserv machine.

Update: 02/22 14:21 EST by B:Apparently, the same thing happened to WEb4LIB as well, not sure if it’s a coincidence, or not.”

The last issue, November 2004, had 3,600 subscribers. Today, we have zero subscribers. My campus suffered a disaster when switching to a new listserv machine. “Associates” and “AssociatesWeb” lost all subscribers. I could not believe something this catastrophic would occur. Because I was unable to
make a backup of the subscribers on the old listserv, I had relied on the campus to safely preserve the Associates subscribers’ lists. (If you would like to read more details of the “Associates” subscription disaster, please
go to:

The worst imaginable disaster for Associates has occurred. What can be done?

I do have a copy of the March 2002 subscriber’s list for the email full-text version of Associates. Beginning today, I will start with this outdated and incomplete list of only 1,300 subscribers and contact the addresses listed
to re-subscribe. Many of the email addresses will be out of date.

Also beginning today, I’ll start a worldwide word-of-mouth campaign to inform subscribers of their need to re-subscribe and hopefully add new
subscribers as well. As permitted, we’ll also make the announcement on many of the listservs that are of interest to library staff.

If you had been a subscriber to Associates, please take a moment to subscribe.

If you are new to Associates, I invite you to explore the Associates web site-its current issue and archives. In July 2004, Associates celebrated 10 years of publication. The Associates home page is at:

Subscribing to Associates is free. Only the editor has access to the subscription lists. The subscription lists have not and will never be shared or sold to anyone.

To subscribe to email issues (Associates), approximately 15-20 separately
sent articles for each issue, go to:

To subscribe to email notification of new web issue (AssociatesWeb), go to: b

You may also contact me directly if you have any questions. Please send an email to Wendee Eyler, Editor, at [email protected].

Thank you all for your past and future support of Associates.

Everyone–Please share our re-subscription campaign with your co-workers and colleagues!

Wendee Eyler
Editor, Associates
[email protected]