Lexis-Nexis Hosts Yes Men for Halliburton

Kelly writes “Lexis-Nexis’s branch Mealey’s hosted the Yes Man, an environmental activist group: “Halliburton Co. fell victim this week to a group of pranksters pushing a “SurvivaBall” to save corporate executives from the effects of global warming. Members of the Yes Men, a group of environmental and corporate ethics activists, gave a presentation at a trade conference pretending to be Halliburton executives touting large inflatable suits that provide corporate managers safety from global warming. They also distributed a phony press release through e-mail and set up a Web site, halliburtoncontracts.com, similar to the real Halliburton site, halliburton.com. “It’s basically a giant inflatable orb,” said a Yes Man posing as “Fred Wolf of Halliburton” during a phone interview yesterday. “If catastrophe threatens a large population, the business manager simply enters the orb, puts it on, and it protects him or her in any climate condition, whether it involved tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, ice conditions or heat conditions.” For more: http://washingtontimes.com/business/20060511-11053 4-5777r.htm For pictures, which also show Lexis-Nexis banners, see: http://halliburtoncontracts.com/about/history.html