Land of plenty – no more!

Marlene writes Citing budget constraints and staffing shortages , the Finance Committee of Williamsburg Public Libraries, temporarily (but indefinitely) closed one of the it’s libraries, Hayenville Public Library.

The closing came as a surprise to local government officials that had thought an extra $3,500 in the budget would be enough to keep it open. Eric Cerreta, who chairs the Board of Selectmen, said that he would rather see hours cut at the neighboring Meekins Library than see the Haydenville Library shut down.

“It was supposed to remain open,” said Cerreta. “I don’t understand how we got here. Both of those libraries existed for 100 years on a tiny budget and volunteers.”

The library system recently finished the renovation of the Meeksville Library , with over $1,000,000 in private and foundation gifts collected, as well as over $1,000,000 in public funding.

In a twist of fate, Haydenville Library

had been visited by 16 librarians from the Republic of Georgia
, formerly of U.S.S.R., participating in a cultural sharing program in January. The program, sponsored in part by the Institute for Training and Development , was designed to help Georgian librarians find innovative ways to run libraries as they face harsh economic times in their own poorly run democracies.”