Kindle — Beginning of the End for the Book?

Opinion from Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen on the book and what comes next.

“Bezos will win. Amazon has this device that downloads books. It is called the Kindle, which must be one of those focus group words. Sounds like the German word for children. Sounds like kind. Sounds innocent. Of course, it is not. My friends, book lovers all, have bought Kindles. At first, I was shocked: You? A Kindle? It’s like discovering some sort of secret perversion.

Feeling oddly guilty, I bought a Kindle myself. Someday soon, I’m going to see how it works. I hesitate because I know it represents the beginning of the end — books as books, bookstores, book lovers and, inescapably, the brilliant Frederic Manning, resurrected by a bookseller only to be eventually reinterred as too obscure to be Kindled. “