Kakai Kno Features Dual 14-inch Touchscreens

The Kno ebook is targeting the textbook market.

Article at Slash Gear

There is also an article that mentions the Kno in the NYT. Excerpt from NYT article:

You know how one thing leads to another? Well, that’s what happened with Osman Rashid, the co-founder and CEO of Kno, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based startup that’s publicly previewing its digital textbook platform and device (Kno) today. Rashid, who previously started Chegg, a Netflix-for-college-text-books service, was struck by the archaic nature of the whole college textbook experience. So he and lifelong friend Babur Habib started to wonder what it would be like if students could carry essentially their entire backpack in a single device, on which they could access textbooks, surf the web, scribble notes and even take exams. Better yet, what about turning this into a full-blown platform for education applications and at the same time, marry it to an e-book store? How about selling e-tuitions?

Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/external/gigaom/2010/06/02/02gigaom-how-a-startup-wants-to-change-higher-education–w-75627.html