Journal Publishers Fight Free Information Movement

AAP hires a PR firm to fight back against open access

Somebody writes Christina’s LIS Rant made an interesting find yesterday. The Association of American Publishers feels that they are under seige and have hired a pit bull to fight back, apparently.
This is the same AAP that has said they want to get rid of Fair Use, and “We,” Said The AAP, “have a very serious issue with librarians.””

Journal Publishers Fight Free Information Movement

pv_sapl writes “Fresh from Michael Geist’s Blog comes this posting about a Nature News article about how a group of publishers plan to take on the free information movement.

A snippit from the article:

Now, Nature has learned, a group of big scientific publishers has hired the pit bull to take on the free-information movement, which campaigns for scientific results to be made freely available. Some traditional journals, which depend on subscription charges, say that open-access journals and public databases of scientific papers such as the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) PubMed Central, threaten their livelihoods.”