Is There A Counter-Reformation Movement Afoot in the World of Copyright?

William Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel at Google thinks so… Slashdot pointed the way to a Post From ARS Technica that points the way to The Patry Copyright Blog where you can read about William Patry’s ideas on a counter-reformation movement afoot in the world of copyright. The purpose of the movement is to chill the willingness of countries to enact fair use or liberal fair dealing provisions designed to genuinely further innovation and creativity, rather than, as is currently the case, merely to give lip service to those concepts as the scope of copyright is expanded to were-rabbit size.

He says The counter-reformation movement is presently at the stage of a whispering campaign, in which ministries in countries are told that fair use (and by extension possible liberal fair dealing provisions) violate the “three-step” test.