Hot Picks @ your library calendar

Christine Sheppard writes “The Library Association of Alberta (LAA) has announced the publication of Hot Picks @ your library, a calendar designed to change the image of librarians – one month at a time!

Hot Picks @your library is a fund-raiser for the Library Association of Alberta and can be purchased for $15.00 from the Association’s website or from the Library Association of Alberta office.

Christine Sheppard writes “The Library Association of Alberta (LAA) has announced the publication of Hot Picks @ your library, a calendar designed to change the image of librarians – one month at a time!

Hot Picks @your library is a fund-raiser for the Library Association of Alberta and can be purchased for $15.00 from the Association’s website or from the Library Association of Alberta office.
Hot Picks @ your library illustrates with humour the versatile interests of women and men from Alberta’s library community. How about a belly dancer, a biker, a sculptor, a climber…along with some readers and some darn good reads? Sixteen photos of vibrant, dynamic, creative, smart, adventurous, sexy librarians!

The idea for the image-busting calendar arose from the research of two Calgary librarians, Rosemary Griebel and Jennifer Bobrovitz. Their 2001 investigation into the image of the library profession showed that the stereotype of the bun-and-sensible-shoes-wearing-spinster saying shhhh still exists in the minds of the public.

And yet today’s libraries are in the forefront of technology and access to the universe of information and ideas. Today’s librarians are “the ultimate search engines”.

Hot Picks @your library is a fund-raiser for the Library Association of Alberta and can be purchased for $15.00 from the Association’s website or from the Library Association of Alberta office.

We think librarians are witty, clever, brilliant, ready, sparkling, competent, expert, accomplished, sharp, resourceful, ingenious, talented, adept and smart, don’t you?