Historical Weather Maps and Weather Data from 1871

Daniel writes “The NOAA Central Library has recently digitized and posted a number of historic weather products:

1. U.S. Daily Weather Maps at:
http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/dwm/data_rescue_da ily_weather_maps.html
This site provides access to historical daily weather maps from 1871 through 2001. To see weather maps for 2002-present go to:

2. Monthly Weather Review at:
http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/mwr/data_rescue_mo nthly_weather_review.html
The site provides access to issues of the Monthly weather review prior to 1973 for free, when it was produced by National Weather Service and Dept. of Commerce. Access to issues from 1973 onwards requires a subscription from AMS.

3. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Annual Reports at:
http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/cgs/data_rescue_cg s_annual_reports.html
This site provides access to the annual reports of the Coast and Geodetic Survey from 1852 to 1892 in PDF format. The Library may in the future provide access to more of these reports.

4. Climatic data of the world (Non U.S.) can be found at:
http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/data_rescue_home.h tml.
Under this project thousand of international climatic observations from all over the world have been imaged. They are continue being added. The images are provided in PDF and multi-page TIFF formats.”