High schoolers and the never-opened book

Interesting column from the Detroit Free Press, in which a community college instructor offers her observations regarding the epidemic of non-reading in her state and nationwide.

Over and over, my students — all adults — tell me that too many school districts neglect to include provocative selections within their curriculum. The collection of choices made and the way reading materials are handled fail to inspire. Why educators would undertake such a questionable course is murky, but the results are not. Michigan community college students struggle to speak in complete sentences and are challenged when asked to write coherently. Will they perform any better during job interviews? Is this next generation of workers prepared to create cutting-edge products and services?

She also comments:

It’s easy to buy picture books featuring the gentle antics of big red dogs, but it’s much more difficult to pick out thought-provoking selections for a 16-year-old when a parent hasn’t read a book since high school — if ever.

Thanks to Reading Today Daily for the link.