Hell Is Other People on Amazon

Kelly writes “This article is an enjoyable little rant about observing the “mental worlds”, which is Hell, of other people via Amazon book reviews. The author believes this effort will be good for us, and we better do it soon, because, as he says,`Amazon’s remarkable venture in practical free speech is ending. In the nineties, before America’s dullard consensus had really gotten the hang of this internet thing, there really was a time when you could post honest reviews on Amazon. That’s over. First they did away with swearing and libel — the very mainstays of critical prose. Then they started insisting that reviewers use their real names, taking all the fun out of impersonating your enemies and plugging your own books.’ Learn how to go to Hell here: http://www.exile.ru/2005-March-11/hell_is_other_pe ople_on_amazon.html