Healthy Computing: Office Ergonomics and Your Health

I came across a link to the Healthy Computing web site today while checking out an article at MSN. I decided to pass it along, because many people are affected by it. The following is from their web site:

\”Positioning or using your computer improperly can lead to various injuries, from the short term discomfort of headaches to potentially debilitating conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.\’s assembled the world\’s foremost experts to provide unbiased information on computer-related health and safety. Developed through the joint efforts of nearly a dozen leading ergonomists, physicians, and physical therapists, HealthyComputing com is the premier source for office ergonomics.\”

The information is practical, and informative. The site provides daily tips, a monthly article (the current edition focuses on carpal tunnel syndrome), guidelines for reducing repetitive stress, and other information regarding your health and how it can be adversely affected by your work space. There is a section on ergonomics for kids too. You can also subscribe to their optional newsletter. It\’s free.

Visit the site at