Gwen Ifill Gets a Snub From the Right

Not yet in print, but already journalist Gwen Ifill is getting trouble for her forthcoming book about black American politicians.

In mid-August, shortly after the Commission on Presidential Debates named Gwen Ifill of PBS as a moderator of the coming vice-presidential event, she wrote an essay in Time magazine that identified her as the author of a coming book, “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama.”

A couple of weeks later, an article in The Washington Post about her moderating duties described the book as focusing on “the Democratic nominee and such up-and-coming black politicians as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and Newark Mayor Cory Booker.”

But on the eve of the debate, Ms. Ifill and her book became the fresh object of outrage on conservative talk radio, blogs and cable news after a right-leaning Web site,, posted an article late Tuesday with the headline, “VP debate moderator Ifill releasing pro-Obama book.”

Isn’t it possible for a responsible and professional journalist to remain neutral in a situation such as this? One would certainly hope so. Do we really think that Walter Cronkite or Tim Russert or Anna Quindlen never had a leaning in one direction or another? NYTimes reports.