Guns and Books a Winning Combination for Wyoming Bookstore

As the folks over at the Wyoming Arts blog recently noted, a few weeks ago Publisher’s Weekly featured Torrie Rice’s Wheatland Mercantile Book Nook in Claire Kirch’s article, ”Wild West Bookseller.” Kirch writes:

“According to Rice—a self-professed ‘bookaholic’—Wheatland, a primarily agricultural community adjacent to a desolate stretch of I-25, halfway between Cheyenne and Casper, had always lacked a bookstore. The local library ‘didn’t have much,’ either, for the town’s 3,500 residents.”

So in 2003, Rice started a bookstore, but that’s not all she sells:

“This being Wyoming, where a Wild West mentality still thrives, Rice sells the 4,000 titles in her inventory alongside products made and sold by her husband, Jef Rice: custom-built handguns and rifles.

Full story here.

At the store’s website they have a link to an author’s website. Notice that the author’s website has a certain theme to it. What do you see on every book cover?