Got Questions? We got Answers! The LISNews FAQ

As promised, there’s a New FAQ in town, The LISNews FAQ.

Let me know if you have questions that are not answered here. The new code has oodles of features that I may have missed, so if you’ve spotted something that doesn’t make sense, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Always remember, the only dumb question is the question that you don’t ask.

Some other, related, questions answered below…

As promised, there’s a New FAQ in town, The LISNews FAQ.

Let me know if you have questions that are not answered here. The new code has oodles of features that I may have missed, so if you’ve spotted something that doesn’t make sense, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Always remember, the only dumb question is the question that you don’t ask.

Some other, related, questions answered below…What are the reasons for going to the new interface?

In short, we needed to move on. The old code was nice, but I felt like we out growing it, the slashcode has alot of nice features I hope we can put to good use.

Is there a way to look at all the registered users?
Otherwise, how will I make “Friends”? by the comments they leave?

Here’s A Start, it’s rather rough, ok, very rough, but it’ll do the job until I can figure this new code out.